Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Yaaaay! My very first BLOG HOP! I’d like to send out a big “thank you!” to SCOTT RICHARDS for inviting me to participate.

He posted last Wednesday, the 23rd. You can find his blog here:

 Now, it's my turn to answer these fabulous questions for y'all.

*What is the working title of your book?

 I'm actually working on releasing my novel Major Jazz in two months, but when you say "working", that means something I'm working on. Right now, I'm working on writing my first folklore called Beneath the Bayou.

* Where did the idea come from for the book?

 I would talk about Beneath the Bayou, but it's still in the developmental stages. So, I'm going to answer theses questions about Major Jazz, since that's what's coming out next for me. I am no stranger to San Francisco because that's where my mother's side of the family comes from, but I was down there having some fun with friends in the Fillmore and I got a chance to take a peak into the Fillmore Jazz District. From there, the streets gave me a story.

* What genre does your book fall under?

 Historical Fiction.

* Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Wow.... To be honest, I can see Terrence Howard playing Major Ingram. The hazel eyes and skin tone is a dead give away. Plus, he definitely has the power to do it. I can also see Idris Elba playing Frank Blue... That would be a role he would have to dig deep and I know he got it in him, for sure. I can see Journee Smollett playing Sallie Aquino because of her slanted eyes. And for Kae Taylor, I would pick KeKe Palmer because she can sing and has the essence of a teen still. But, to be honest, I would love to see a brand new line of awesome characters rock the silver screen.

* What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

 When love triumphs over the love of the second her, through jazz music life comes around full circle.

* Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

 I am the newest author of the Independent Award Winning Publisher, Peace in the Storm Publishing.

* How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

 The very first draft took me about a year. I'm beginning to see that it really takes me a full two years from start to finish.

* What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

 That's really tough and I really don't want to say I'm quite up there with these writing giants/geniuses yet, but if you want to look at excellent Historical Fiction novels... The Color Purple by Alice Walker, Beloved by Toni Morrison, and Sugar by Bernice L. McFadden.

* Who or What inspired you to write this book?

 My biggest inspiration that I carry with me every single day is Zora Neale Hurston. When I read her book of complete short stories, I thought to myself "How can I get back to those days?" I moved to the Fillmore for ten months and in that time, I soaked up all I could about the area.

* What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

 The deep history is the main part, but the love story that's entertwined is something I want readers to admire. Everyone has a fairytale ending in their dreams. I just want people to know that even when life doesn't go your way, there can be a happy ending regardless of the situation.

 ANNNND THAT'S A WRAP!!! Thank you again, Scott Richards for inviting me to play along. Those were some fun questions! Here is my contact information. Find me, follow me, talk to me!

 Facebook: Twitter: @niyahmoore Email:

 Up for next Wednesday, February the 6th:

Scott Livingston

Rooster Smith

1 comment:

  1. Hey Niyah!! This sounds like this is going to be a stellar book you're working on!! That's awesome to hear about the publishing group you are with!! That's exciting!! The fact that it's based in an area that is one of the most historically rich places, in my mind, in SF! I await the release! Keep it up girl!
